
exhibition opening | natalie nicklin

it's time for a new exhibition! i'm not sure whether you guys ever take a peek at my little online gallery - but i kind of love doing it. researching an artist, pulling together a body of their work and then curating it and creating an aesthetic flow is something i really enjoy! i spend a lot of time really getting to know them and their artwork - by the end i feel like we're friends (except for the part where they don't even know who i am!)

for the next two weeks, the lowercase gallery will be featuring the amazing illustrative and digital collage works of natalie nicklin:


  1. Nice creative pictures.
    Have a good day.
    Actual Exams

  2. not sure if there's an error but i can't see any writing beside the numbers.
    i love her colour palette more than anything.

  3. Lovely!! I'm with Callah, her palette is delicious.


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