
exhibition opening | annabelle marquis

lowercase gallery is now live!
admission is always free!

lowercase gallery is an online exhibition space in which i curate collections of inspiring artwork. the gallery is designed in such a way that visitors will feel as if they are walking through, admiring art on the walls. new art in the gallery will be installed bi-weekly. i encourage you visit often, and to share current exhibitions with your friends and followers.

lowercase references my penchant for lowercase letters. but more importantly, art is lowercase. in my world, there is no such thing as "Art." art does not have to be high brow, discriminating, confusing or alienating. in my work, i encounter people who are frightened of art, claim to know nothing about it, and even refuse to enter a gallery. well, you can enter this gallery! there is no judgements here, no sales pressure and you are not expected to find a deeper meaning if you don't want to. the only intentions this gallery has are to inspire you, fascinate you, and beautify your world.

it would mean so much to me if you tweet, blog, or facebook this little online gallery. in the meantime, i'll work on some social media buttons!

i am delighted to introduce the gallery's inaugural exhibition - a solo show featuring the incredible up and coming montréal artist, annabelle marquis. enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. So cool! Way to go!! :D I'm excited to check it out.
    btw- first link doesn't work. :)


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