
guest feature art | casey matthews

conscious intuitions: casey matthews

hi isavirtue readers!  my name is lesley frenz and i write and curate an art blog, artsy forager. having been an art lover and student all my life, i left behind over 15 years of arts industry experience to start my blog while following my new hubby and living a vagabond life across the u.s. pacific northwest. finding fabulous artwork is my passion-- hope you’ll check out my artsy foraging!

there are some artists whose work i connect with intellectually, aesthetically or emotionally. then there is that rare artist whose work hits me on all three levels and i’d like to introduce you to one such artist, casey matthews.

  casey matthews. secret passage 48x48. mixed media

the art-loving intellectual in me looks forward to each new work from casey. i’ve been a fan of her work for a few years and over time, she has developed a distinct artistic style and language. repeated forms add a familiarity to new work yet each builds upon previous work in terms of sophistication and proficiency. it is such a pleasure to actually watch an artist’s work evolve. she just keeps getting better and better!

casey matthews. a wealth of sins. 40x50. mixed media

of course, aethetically, the appeal should be obvious! these are beautifully rendered abstracts with luscious texture and visual rhythm showcasing long periods of melodious harmonies punctuated by staccato notes of frenzied color and clandestine graphics.

casey matthews. a map to nowhere. 40x50. mixed media

but what really keeps bringing me back to casey’s work is their emotional pull. something about the intermingling of organic shapes and muted colors punctuated by rapturous bursts of color and brushstroke speak to my soul. like a beautifully written song, they are a perfect blend of melody and harmony.

casey matthews. to do list. 40x50. mixed media

you can see more of casey’s work on her website and more reviews of her work on artsy forager.  thanks so much to kaitlyn for letting me share the work of this incredible artist with you! hope you enjoyed this little peek!


  1. Samantha11.3.12

    Oh I love these! Do you happen to know approximately what they go for?

    1. hi samantha,

      my guest poster has confirmed that casey's prices depend on size but range from 1400-400 which is quite normal for this style, popularity and sizes. you can contact the artist directly through her website: http://www.caseymatthews.com or check out the work through gregg irby fine art at http://www.greggirbyfineart.com/artists/matthews/.


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