
mail art | birthday gift + mail art challenge

one of my favourite birthday gifts this month came in the form of this beautiful package below from my friend alex. it was a little worse for wear when it arrived, and i was a little lacking in wear when the postman arrived with it! i literally couldn't find a robe so i just stuck my hand out the door for the mail! *awkward*

contained inside the envelope was an endless number of art cards, gallery invites and exhibition catalogues. it made me a little homesick because i used to love collecting these goodies and crafting with them when alex and i worked the front desk at the kitchener-waterloo art gallery. in her note to me, alex said she was gifting me these bits and pieces to create mail art challenges. how perfect is that? in addition to pretty paper and die cuts, now the challenges will include amazing artsy images too!


  1. Amazing! Happy birthday :) - I can't remember if I said that already...

    PS I'm having a giveaway on my blog, you should enter :)


  2. Wow - the package looks like it sure went through a lot! Glad it got to you in one piece ;)

  3. Anonymous23.11.11

    Creative package! haha I would enjoy getting something that looks that fun!

  4. Awwh that is sooo sweet! :) Happy Belated Birthday! XXX

  5. Eep! The package looks so cool !

    xxx, Mri

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