
snail mail | owl and squirrels

last week on my way out i checked the mail and saw a really cute packet - it was from suki from the owl club. i knew immediately that it was her craft it forward gift to me and i couldn't have been more excited! i opened the packet to reveal a bundle of gifts including stickers, a fabric covered button, a vintage owl playing card, a note and a beautiful handmade owl pin which i wore to the craft fair last weekend.

this week i've also included pics of my latest letter from riley, and a pile of postcards i recently received from the uk, cancun and alberta.


  1. I'm so glad the package arrived OK and you liked it! I'm thrilled you've worn the pin already.

    I also love Riley's envelope - simple but lovely!

  2. You should be receiving mine shortly as well. :)

  3. So glad that my letter made it to you in one piece! That must be our most successful--and quick--correspondence yet! Huzzah!
    Can't wait to hear from you!
    Riley (Ms. Always Traveling)


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