
mail art monday | old letters

my parents are in town visiting and they kindly hefted all my old childhood letters across the country. and when i say mine, i mean all the letters written to me by friends. about seventy percent of them are from one friend in particular - she moved away in grade three and we have written letters to each other since then. i was in her wedding last summer and she was my bridesmaid this past spring. ahhh, the power of snail mail huh?

i will be using most of these letters in an upcoming project from the fifty-two projects. the rest, i'll curl up and read. i can't wait to find out what we deemed important when we were ten...fifteen....twenty...twenty four...

below are some photographs of the most colourful ones in the bunch. clearly stickers were quite popular when i was younger! oh, and my favourite line from one of these letters?

"what's your email? we are getting the internet soon."



  1. Wow that's so amazing that you kept them all! I still enjoy snail mail myself!

    I am your newest follower! Loving your blog :)


  2. Amazing! Love the old stickers.

    I have a box full of old letters and this is making me want to go through it again! It's hilarious to read about the things my friends and I used to find funny or stressful.

    I still love sending and receiving snail mail.

  3. siggh! I really miss having pen pals & receiving letters!

  4. I love this. I had a similar situation with a good friend of mine in fifth grade. Unlike you two we weren't so great at keeping up. Thanks to Facebook we've reconnected. Thanks for sharing!

  5. haha classic! i remember the days when the internet was a contemporary novelty

  6. Samantha7.9.11

    Oh snail mail :) I think I am missing a memory box with some of our letters in them...one day we should get together (or scan them all) and put them in chronological order and make a book of our letters :)


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