
a limerick for j

in lieu of jewelry chooseday i want to share with you a poem i wrote for my husband. from october to april the year is rife with holidays and special dates - halloween, my birthday, christmas, valentines, our first date,  his proposal, his birthday, and finally, our wedding anniversary. we felt that may to september needed a special day somewhere in there so we anointed july seventeenth as "je t'aime day." line number four is kinda naughty so cover your eyes for that one. 

to jonathan, on je t'aime day

my birthday is in november
as i'm sure you will remember
valentines is next
the day for lots of sex
oops, and christmas in december!

your birthday is in the spring
to which gifts and love i bring
not just cursory,
there's two anniversaries!
plus the day you gave me a ring

*switch it up, break it down, new rhyming steez abound*

there are dates in the spring time
gifts in winter and fall
but alas, dans la summer
there is nothing...nothing at all

and so to avoid this sadness
we'll create a day of amour
je t'aime my dear sweet husband!
we won't be sad anymore.


  1. So sweet and clever! <3


  2. aw you little monkey - you two are sickeningly sweet.


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