
the 100 follower giveaway / closed

i know it's not much, but i sure am proud of my 100 followers! i'm so excited and to celebrate i've put together a fantastic giveaway for my fantastic readers. there's tons of prizes and tons of ways to enter! (i'm going to stop repeating words now...). for the first time, i'm offering pink stationery instead of black and white - in honour of my pink blog of course!

said amazing prizes are as follows:

my handmade necklace!

first draw prize
one | a very cool necklace made by yours truly
(please note...i'm totally not a professional but i sure am proud of this necklace!)
two | a pink butterfly stationery set that includes five envelopes, five sheets of writing paper,
three miniature envelopes and three miniature cards.
 three | a guest post or feature on isavirtue before the end of may.

second draw prize
one | a pink butterfly stationery set that includes five envelopes, five sheets of writing paper and
five adorable envelope seals.
two | a guest post or feature on isavirtue before the end of may.

third draw prize:
one | a pink butterfly stationery set that includes three miniature envelopes,
three miniature cards and six gift tags.
two | a guest post or feature on isavirtue before the end of may.

how to enter | mandatory
be a follower of isavirtue and tell me your feelings regarding pink.

more ways to enter | just for kicks and squiggles
(leave a comment for each entry please)
add isavirtue on bloglovin (this is on the honour system...)
add an isavirtue item to your favourites and tell me why you love it
blog about this giveaway and leave a link
facebook this giveaway and tag kaitlyn webb patience or Isavirtue

the winners will be chosen next sunday night, may 22|11 at 9:00 pm PST
good luck!!!


  1. Oh what a wonderful giveaway! I'm in! I'm already a follower here! Regarding pink, it's actually my favourite color of all! Three examples are that my blog is pink(ish), my favourite clothes are pink, and when I edit photos I always give them a pink(ish) tone. Well, pink is the best color!

  2. And I already follow you on bloglovin!

  3. Anonymous17.5.11

    hurray, lovely giveaway!!
    I´m a follower and I quite like pink, depending if it´s more soft or not... :)

  4. What a great giveaway!! I'm a follower already as you know :) I love pink because it is the happiest colour in the world!

    xo Lisa

  5. I tweeted about this as well!

  6. What a fabulous giveaway! Pink now always reminds me of my little niece. She adores pink and wears pink clothes and even eats in pink dishes. They say it’s a temporary phase many little girls have! I think it’s a very sweet and positive colour and that’s why I try to see life Life through rose-coloured glasses.
    I am a blog follower through Google Friend Connect name = Marta García.
    martaplayita [at] gmail dot com

  7. Anonymous17.5.11

    Oh I'm loving this giveaway! So happy to see your blog grow - you totally deserve it my dear :)

    I follow you on GFC - of course!
    xox mervi

  8. Anonymous17.5.11

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous17.5.11

    (Oops - sorry about the delete) I like isavirtue on facebook!

  10. and I wrote about it on my blog! :)

  11. Love this giveaway - congrats on your lovely and growing blog!
    Pink is perfect!!

  12. Heart your shop on Etsy!!

  13. Follow via bloglovin'!

  14. Follow you on twitter and just tweeted!!

  15. I already folllow- congrats for 100 followers!!
    and pink is my favorite color :) :)

  16. Hey Kadi - so apparently I was not officially "following" your blog, but I am now! #102 :)

  17. Hooray 100 followers!!

    I love pink... But only in splashes. Like you, I'm a true black and white kinda girl...

  18. Im following your blog. Im starting to love pink now.. always been a blue and green kinda gal. But now i have a lovely flamingo dress...

  19. my favourite item from etsy is the free bird: set of envelopes. why? i love birds (killing birds is not art)

  20. i also added your shop to my etsy favourites <3 this is a great giveaway, im excited!

  21. Woohoo!!! :D congrats on 100 followers! I'm so close!! I am a follower (OF COURSE!) and my feelings on pink?? WELL, I LOVE pink. It (honestly) is the most soothing and relaxing color. I painted my room pink for that very reason, and I LOVE it! :)

  22. Like you on Facebook!! :D

  23. Following on Bloglovin'! :D

  24. I hearted the Flight Device: set of five white cork bird envelopes! SO gorgeous!!!

  25. I stand up proudly to be counted in amonst your followers!!!! :)

    Lovely giveaway, my dear!

    Hmmm...the color pink you say, well...my feelings towards pink grow stronger as I get older plus, it comes in so many shades...my fav? Ballet pink!

    xx Cat

    ps. Thanks for the chance !

  26. I am a follower, and I LOVE pink!

    larkspurpurple (at) gmail.com

  27. Anonymous17.5.11

    > Hello i'm a new follower btw i love your art letters <3 i recently had 5 penpals ^^

    > pink is so girly i love the *bonbon pink <3

  28. Anonymous17.5.11

    > liked on facebook.

  29. Anonymous17.5.11

    > favorite item : the trifle eiffel set

  30. Anonymous17.5.11

    > Tweet : http://twitter.com/#!/AzedMc/status/70610561825648640

  31. Anonymous17.5.11

    > Facebook Tag : http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=110375162384278&id=100002353856274

  32. Anonymous17.5.11

    > Blog about it :

    > e-mail : gb.demure@gmail.com

  33. You know I follow you!

    I'm all for pink, except I don't like to wear it. :)

  34. In the words of a very beautiful and talented woman: "I like pink around me not on me"

  35. it seems greedy since i've won a prize but i think you already know i love pink! my surprise going away party in wellington was pink themed (right down to the salmon with pink peppercorn sauce and pink bubbly).

  36. Congrats!! This is such a big accomplishment you must be so excited!

    I love love love pink. It just cheers me right up! (my room totally has one pink wall! http://kaitsouch.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/bedroom.jpg

  37. Anonymous18.5.11

    yaaaay!! I want to be part of this giveaway :)
    PINK IS THE NEW BLACK! especially in summer, accessories and stationary! Every girl needs pink and butterflies in their life xx

  38. such great prizes... i'll cross my fingers and toes from some of that yummy pink paper!
    Thanks for letting me know about it!


  39. Hey!

    This is such a great giveaway! Oh and everything's pink... That's my favorite color (together with lavender!). I liked your page on FB and I'm following you through Bloglovin! :)

    xoxo, Ana

  40. follows iavirtue on bloglovin

  41. I'm a new follower! I've always hated pink because i thought redheads couldn't wear it... then I got some sense knocked into me and love it :)

  42. I added you on bloglovin :)

  43. You're in my favorites on etsy!

  44. My favorite from your shop is the bicycle journal. I LOVE old-fashioned bicycles like that... so timeless.

  45. I liked isavirtue on FB!

  46. What a great giveaway and you have a great blog (I've just stumbled upon it). I'm a big fan of pink, it's a really cheerful colour.

  47. Love it all - what a fantastic giveaway! I'm already a follower and adore the color pink - but in small doses :) On paper, pink is perfect!

  48. I am totally in, for this giveaway.
    The necklace you made is absolutely gorgeous and would look STUNNING on my neck.
    I know it sounds weird, but I'm really picky when it comes to jewelry and when I saw yours, I literally fell in love!

    And which girl doesn't need stationary?
    I would totally give them a new home!@


  49. I am a brand spankin' new follower (over from Lula's blog and just signed up for the Traveling Journal!), and pink is all things wonderful in the world. Pink is the color of happiness, love, warmth and all things girly and beautiful in the world. Pink, my dear, is simply lovely.

  50. Follower on bloglovin :)
    love the give away!!

  51. Congrats on hitting your milestone of 100 followers!!

    Re: pink - hot pink please!

  52. My feelings regarding pink...I adore pink, mainly because I am a girl and pink goes hand-in-hand with being a girl! But I mostly like pink because of the diversity it represents. Pink used to be solely for girly girls, but pink has since become the new black!

  53. Am now following on bloglovin'

  54. Just liked isavirtue on Facebook

  55. Anonymous21.5.11

    I follow you on blogger.
    And pink is a really fun color that I think can be paired with almost anything.

  56. Anonymous21.5.11

    I "liked" isavirtue on FB.

  57. Anonymous21.5.11

    I follow on bloglovin'.

  58. Anonymous21.5.11

    Your Etsy shop is a favorite.

  59. Anonymous21.5.11

    Fave Etsy item: mini scripts: set of five miniature card and envelope set

    I just like anything with shmancy-looking words... lol. :]

  60. Anonymous21.5.11

    I tweeted.

  61. Anonymous21.5.11

    FB-ed the giveaway.

  62. I am a following! I love pink, especially hot pink. I love adding pops of it to all things.... Food, flowers, clothing.

  63. I love pink! It's girly & fun!

  64. Pink as a colour makes me feel youthful and feminine. It represents the extremes only woman can project such as a fiery, statement hot pink dress or a beautiful, delicate pale pink rose x

  65. Great giveaway and congratulations on 100 followers!

    I absolutely love pink and my favourite shad is hot pink!

    ps. I'm a follower!

  66. Anonymous23.5.11

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. someone hacked my blog and deleted it >annoyiing<
    so i'm entering with my new blog! here's my original comment;
    yaaaay!! I want to be part of this giveaway :)
    PINK IS THE NEW BLACK! especially in summer, accessories and stationary! Every girl needs pink and butterflies in their life xx

  68. Well, looks like I missed the giveaway, but I had to tell you I love your stuff! I hearted the butterfly journal on Etsy and just might buy it. So beautiful!


thanks for your comment, i love hearing your thoughts!